
Newsletter 8th May 2022

St. Peter’s Parish Church, Kirk Onchan

8 May 2022 Easter 4


Risen Christ, faithful shepherd of your Father’s sheep: teach us to hear your voice and to follow your command, that all your people may be gathered into one flock, to the glory of God the Father. Amen

Prayer Diary

The Members of the PCC and those people living in Hillary Close, Conister Close.

St Ninian Douglas Clergy John Coldwell, John Guilford

As we commemorate the life of Julian of Norwich, spiritual writer, c 1417, pray for the Island Spirituality Network and its work on the Isle of Man.

All personal data is handled in line with our privacy policy a full copy of which can be seen on our website


Those who are struggling in mind, body and spirit that they may know God’s comfort and healing: Sheila Pyatt-Coppell, Sheila Cowley, Olivia Pettigrew, Sandra Caley, Liz Pickering, Tara Mackenzie, Jacqueline Mitchell, Stephen MacKenzie, Karen Duggua, Alex Brew, Marinella Heath & May Moore.

Please keep in your prayers all those we know of who are at home and struggling in mind, body and spirit at this time.

Those who have lost loved ones and those we name in the quiet of our hearts.

Please remember that we need permission to put names on this list. Please help us to keep this list up to date by keeping us informed of changes.


This week’s Altar Flowers were kindly donated by
Mrs Christine Russell


Acts 9.36-end John 10.22-30

Dear Friends

This Sunday, following the morning service, we have our Annual Parish Meeting (APM) where we will elect our church wardens and our Annual Parochial Church Meeting where we will elect our new PCC members. Please note anyone who wishes to be proposed and nominated will be required to undertake relevant safeguarding training, including a DBS check where appropriate if they are successful.

As we look back on 2021 we should also be aware that this is an opportunity for us to look forward to ask God where he is leading us and how we can move forward with him. To this end as well as looking at the seven marks of a healthy church the current PCC has set up three groups to look at the following three areas:

  1. Vision – Where is God leading us and what does this look like on the ground? The healthy churches exercise will be feeding into this.
  2. Stewardship – what resources do we need as a church community to fulfil God’s vision?
  3. Capital Redevelopment – how can we redevelop our church building to support us in delivering that vision?

It is expected that every PCC member will be on at least one of these groups. However, the membership of these working groups are not solely for PCC members. Anyone in the congregation who has an interest and feels they have something to offer and that God is calling them to serve the church in this way is welcome to join any of these groups. If you are interested or would like to learn more please speak to Alessandra.

Thy Kingdom Come
Each year during the time between Ascension (Thursday 26th May) and Pentecost (Sunday 5th June) we are asked to pray daily for people we know, specifically by name, to come to faith. We pray: ‘Lord, Thy Kingdom Come in their lives.’ I would encourage you to do so. There will be a service of reflection on the evening of the 26th May to mark the beginning of this period of prayer. There will also be resources at the back of church to help us focus our prayers during this time.

God’s blessings Alessandra

Standing Order

Please consider setting up a regular gift via Standing Order. This method of giving makes it easiest for us to budget. Standing order forms are available at the back of church. Please speak to the Rector or Elaine Litherland for more details.

Give by contactless

Use our SUMUP device located at the back of church.

You can donate with: a debit or credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay.

Give online

Scan this code with
your phone camera

and donate
to our church
via SUMUP.
Follow the instructions – it’s simple and secure.

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Date Time




11:00am 12:30pm 6:30pm 7:30pm

Morning Praise APCM
BCP Holy Communion Choir Practice

Church Church Church Church

09/05/22 6:45-8:45pm 10/05/22 2:30pm

Private Group Booking Bible Study

Church Rectory

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10:30am 7:00pm

BCP Holy Communion Capital Group Meeting

Church Church


1:30pm-3:30pm 7:00pm

Private Group BookingStewardship Group Meeting

Church Church


1:15pm-3:00pm 3:00pm-3:45pm

Mums & Tots-Term Time OnlySeated Exercise Class

Parish Hall Church

15/05/22 11:00am
6:30pm Choir Practice

Church Church

CW Holy Communion

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Onchan, Lonan & Laxey Team Ministry Information

Team Rector Onchan Alessandra Di Chiara
The Rectory, 18 Windermere Avenue, Onchan Isle of Man, IM3 2DT Phone 679274 or 210208
or email

Team Vicar Lonan & Laxey Jo Dudley Phone 861989 or email

Parish Clerk Phone 675797

Website Facebook St Peter’s Church, Onchan

If you have any safeguarding issues that you wish to raise please speak to Valerie Coole, our Parish Safeguarding Officer. She can be contacted on 333309 or

The contact for Onchan Parish Hall is Elaine Cory 416669 Email or contact us on Facebook

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The church is usually open to visitors daily between 10:00am and 4:00pm