
Newsletter 6th December 2020

St. Peter’s Parish Church,

Kirk Onchan


6 December 2020 – Advent 2

 Almighty God, purify our hearts and minds, that when your Son Jesus Christ comes again as judge and saviour we may be ready to receive him, who is our Lord and our God. Amen

Prayer Diary

Youth Organisations within Onchan and those people living in Hawthorne Close, Poplar Close, Sycamore Close.


Lonan and Laxey Clergy Jo Dudley


Pray that the season of Advent will be filled with the expectation of the coming of the Lord into the lives of folk in the village.


Those who are struggling in mind, body & spirit that they may know God’s comfort & healing: Sheila Pyatt-Coppell, Sheila Cowley, Olivia Pettigrew, Sandra Caley, Christopher Browne, Mildred Cooper, Dorothy Singleton, George Sinclair, Christine Roberts, Liz Pickering, Roberto Di Chiara & Tara Mackenzie.


In addition there are a number of people at home preparing for tests and procedures  who don’t wish to be named, however, I would ask you to please keep in your prayers all those we know of who are struggling in mind, body and spirit at this time.


Those who have lost loved ones & in particular the family & friends of: Ray Kneen, David Robbins, Hector Duff & Frederick Courtie.


And those we name in the quiet of our hearts. Amen

Please remember that we need permission to put names on this list. Please help us to keep this list up to date by keeping us informed of changes.




Isaiah 40.1-11

Mark 1.1-8


Bible Study

Anyone wishing to join our Bible Study group please speak to Alessandra. We have just started studying Romans.


Daily Prayers in the Advent Season for those at home


Watchful at all times,
let us pray for strength to stand with confidence
before our Maker and Redeemer.


That God may bring in his kingdom with justice and mercy,
let us pray to the Lord:

–      for the hungry …

–      for the homeless …

–      for refugees and the victims of war …

Come Lord Jesus


That God may establish among the nations
his sceptre of righteousness,
let us pray to the Lord:

–      for the IOM government …

–      for the leaders of the nations …

–      for all who hold public office …

that they may be filled with the integrity, justice, mercy and humility of Jesus Christ

Come Lord Jesus


That we may seek Christ in the scriptures
and recognize him in the breaking of the bread,
let us pray to the Lord:

–      for the good news of the gospel to reach all…

–      for courage to proclaim Jesus with our lives and with our lips…

Come Lord Jesus

That God may bind up the brokenhearted,
restore the sick
and raise up all who have fallen,
let us pray to the Lord:

–      for all suffering the effects of Covid19…

–      for those whose diagnosis and treatment have been adversely affected by the epidemic…

–      for those struggling with increased loss of mobility and independence…

–      for those experiencing mental health issues, loneliness and isolation…

Come Lord Jesus

That the light of God’s coming may dawn
on all who live in darkness and the shadow of death,
let us pray to the Lord:

–      for those who are terminally ill and drawing near to the end f their earthly life…

–      for those who have lost loved ones…

Come Lord Jesus


That, with all the saints in light,
we may shine forth as lights for the world,
let us pray to the Lord:

–      that being salt and light we will season our conversations and relationships with grace and hope…

Come Lord Jesus

Let us commend the world, which Christ will judge,
to the mercy and protection of God.


Dear Friends


This is a sad time for us as a congregation as we say goodbye in the week ahead to two members of our congregation David Robbins and Hector Duff. Our prayers and thoughts are with their families at this time.


With regard to Hector’s funeral, as you are aware this is primarily intended to be a private family funeral and Hector very much wanted members of the congregation to be there and I and the family would want to encourage you to come. However, there will inevitably be a public element as we seek to honour Hector for all the work he did. Therefore please note that there will be reserved seating (up to 6 rows on either side) in the body of the church for close family and friends on one side and honoured guests on the other.  We will be providing additional seating at the back of church and the balcony will also be available. Priority for the downstairs seating will be given to those with mobility issues. However, inevitably space will be at a premium, this is why the family are asking for the wider group of acquaintances and general public to attend the Villa Marina from 3pm for a celebration of Hector’s life. Please also note all people will be required to sanitise their hands on arrival.


With regard to parking, the car park and road opposite the church entrance will be reserved parking only. There will be stewards on duty. I know that we can rely on your goodwill and co-operation to ensure that the practical arrangements go smoothly and we are able to say farewell to Hector in the way that he wanted.

God’s blessings, Alessandra


For all who are able and willing to act as stewards/vergers at Hector’s funeral there will be a very short meeting following this Sunday’s service to allocate roles.




Mothers’ Union Members


Tuesday 8th December

Christmas Lunch 12:30 for 1:00pm at the Welbeck Hotel


Saturday 12th December 9:30am in Church

Helping to Make Christingles


Please bring sweets for decorating

– Sultanas, Jelly Babies or soft pastilles NOT Dolly Mixtures


Our first meeting in the New Year

Tuesday 5th January 2:00pm in the Parish Hall

A Pilgrim’s Tale with Howard & Sandra Parkin


Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to all our members

Prayers Answered

I want to thank our Interim Minister Alessandra, friends, Open the Book members, choir colleagues and Mothers’ Union members for their cards, gifts and loving messages after my recent surgery.

I’m well on the way to recovery.


Thank you all

Christine E Roberts


Ladies’ Fellowship

First & Third Wednesday of each month Onchan Parish Hall

8:00pm October – May


Suitable for all ages, new members welcome


Contact  Sheila Kelly 836014  Dot Winrow 620560

Date Time Event Location/Notes




CW Holy Communion


Choir Practice




08/12/20          12:30pm Mothers’ Union Lunch Welbeck Hotel
09/12/20          10:30am BCP Holy Communion Church
10/12/20            1:00pm




Funeral Service

Hector Duff


Celebration for the Life of Hector Duff




Villa Marina

11/12/20            1:00pm Funeral Service

David Robbins

12/12/20            9:30am MU Christingles Church
13/12/20          11:00am





Morning Praise




Choir Practice







Onchan, Lonan & Laxey Team Ministry Information


Interim Minister Onchan Alessandra Di Chiara

The Vicarage, 62 Ballabrooie Way, Douglas IM1 4HB

Phone 679274 or 210208

or email


Team Vicar Lonan & Laxey Jo Dudley Phone 861989

or email


Parish Clerk Phone 675797




Facebook St Peter’s Church, Onchan


The contact for Onchan Parish Hall is Elaine Cory 416669

Email or contact us on Facebook


 Live Streaming and Safeguarding

As the service is being live streamed, if you are bringing a child to the service and do not wish them to appear on camera, please let us know at the beginning of the service and we will make sure this does not happen.