
Newsletter 27th September 2020

St. Peter’s Parish Church,

Kirk Onchan


27 September 2020 – Trinity 16



Lord of creation, whose glory is around and within us: open our eyes to your wonders, that we may serve you with reverence and know your peace at our lives’ end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


Prayer Diary

Onchan Pupils at St Ninian’s High School and those people living in Turnberry Avenue, Wentworth Close, The Fairway.


Tynwald Chief Minister Howard Quayle President Stephen Rodan

Speaker Juan Waterson Lieutenant Governor Sir Richard Gozney


Please pray for the Hon Geoffrey Boot MHK, Minister for Environment, Food and Agriculture.


Those who are struggling in mind, body & spirit that they may know God’s comfort & healing: Sheila Pyatt-Coppell, Sheila Cowley, Olivia Pettigrew, Sandra Caley, Christopher Browne, Mildred Cooper & Mariel Callow.


Those who have lost loved ones & in particular the family & friends of: John Crebbin, Eric Corrin, Lesley Cubbon & Peter Gardiner.


And those we name in the quiet of our hearts. Amen





Philippians 2.1-13

Matthew 21 23-32









Dear Friends


At long last the work on the Tower is due to commence. Many thanks to Phil and Elaine Litherland for all their hard work sorting out the faculty and planning permission and liaising with the contractors. Scaffolding will go up the week beginning 5th Oct. The work will take 2-3 months in total (subject to the weather!).   Access to the church during the week will be through the kitchen, except for funerals which will be held in liaison with the contractors.  Access through the front door will also be allowed for our services. I will confirm what arrangements will be in place for Wed mornings.  At all other times access through the front door will be strictly prohibited.  When the contractors are not at work the area will be fenced off and locked.


Next Sunday 4th October is Harvest Sunday.  Please bring non-perishable goods which will go to the food bank. Tinned meat and  tinned vegetables will be especially welcome. The Harvest collection will go the Archbishop’s Covid Appeal ‘Together in Unity’ which is raising funds to support brothers and sisters in serious need as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic. Many communities are not equipped with even the most basic of hygiene and sanitation facilities and lockdown measures have increased economic hardship in the poorest communities with people unable to work.  In addition I would hope that we can send a small token (eg, a small bunch of flowers) to those members of our church community who are currently unable to attend church. Although I do have a list of names, please let me know if you are aware of anyone in this position so that people don’t get overlooked. Please also let me know if you are able to help distribute these as this year I will not be able to do so, as I will be away.


I will be going across on the 5th Oct to see my family (returning on the 13th) I will not be available for services and face to face meetings until the end of Oct as I will need to self-isolate for the full 14 days. However, I will be working from home during the period of self-isolation and can do both Whattsapp video calls and zoom meetings as well as being available on the phone and email.


With all God’s blessings, Alessandra










Prayers for Daily Life – Trinity


O God, the creator and preserver of all,

we pray for people in every kind of need;

make your ways known on earth,

your saving health among all nations …


We pray for the Church;

guide and govern us by your good Spirit,

that all who profess and call themselves Christians

may be led into the way of truth,

and hold the faith in unity of spirit,

in the bond of peace and in righteousness of life …


We commend to your fatherly goodness

all those who are any ways afflicted or distressed,

in mind, body or estate;

comfort and relieve them in their need,

give them patience in their sufferings,

and bring good out of all their afflictions …


We remember those who have gone before us

in the peace of Christ,

and we give you praise for all your faithful ones,

with whom we rejoice in the communion of saints …

All this we ask for Jesus Christ’s sake.

All   Amen



Call in for Coffee

Additional helpers are required to

serve refreshments

and help clear up after the weekly 11:00am Sunday services.

Please speak to Marcia for further details.

Many thanks


Onchan, Lonan & Laxey Team Ministry Information


Interim Minister Onchan Alessandra Di Chiara

The Vicarage, 62 Ballabrooie Way, Douglas IM1 4HB

Phone 679274 or 210208

or email


Team Vicar Lonan & Laxey Jo Dudley Phone 861989

or email


Parish Clerk Phone 675797




Facebook St Peter’s Church, Onchan


The contact for Onchan Parish Hall is Elaine Cory 416669

or email or contact us on Facebook



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